Best Digital Amps

Out of Spectron, Tact, CarverPro, Bel Canto etc.
I hear tell StereoTimes is coming out with a review of the Acoustic Reality EAR II amp. Suppose to be real good. The Bel Canto, Tact, newest Spectron and Rowland are all very good amplifiers. The appear to be well engineered and don't require replacment exotic power cords, new capacitors and other circuitry changes, etc to sound decent. I like a well engineered product.
I also heard the Acoustic Reality EAR II amp was about to receive a good review. I can't see how StereoTimes
could give it more of a "rave review," then they already gave the MII and Tact 2150, but hey, that was last month.

I've heard the MII and Tact 2150 and they're both excellent. The MII excels at dynamics, the Tact is more detailed. The Tact also allows you to eliminate a preamp & dac from your system.
Nealhood, the PSA amp stock sounded better to the Bel Canto and Spectron amps I've had in my system. No $1000 pc, no fancy caps, no smoke and mirrors, just clearly superior sound reproduction in my system. Try it before you trash talk it....
Stereo Times reviewed the EVO very recently too. They are going to regret using up so many superlatives on the other reviewed digitals.

I've hear all but the PS, and that is not in the same power league I need. IMO The eAR is hands down the very best amp ever produced.

I've run some of the best solid state amps, and tube amps too, and using the eAR improves on the sound in all categories. It's mids and highs sound like tubes, except with total clarity into the musician. The Bass is as powerful as with the biggest Krells, but natural at all frequencies. What's more, the eAR exudes power like you've never witnessed.

The ICE module has greater potential than the TacT and TRI Path modules. Only Rowland, and Acoustic Reality has produced home audio amps with ICE. The Rowland uses digital switching in its power supply, while the AR uses analogue. The difference is easily heard.

Muralman1, when you say Ear, are you talking about the Tube amps Tim Paravicini designed.
Which model number for the Ears.