Adcom GFP-750 vs Parasound P/LD-2000 Preamps?

More opinions, please:Between the Adcom GFP-750 preamp and the Parasound P/LD-2000, which matches the best sonically with a Parasound HCA-3500 power amplifier ad Paradigm Studio 100 version 2 loudspeakers? Your impressions of them when comparing them head-to-head?
I own the Adcom. I tried the Parasound when it came out. If that's their statement pre-amp, (I believe it was), the remote volume control ramped up way too fast. It was an unacceptable fault for me......
The Adcom ramps up too fast for low-level listening in "active" mode also (in my opinion). It's not as bad as the Parasound.
I've never seen a reviewer comment on this. Poor reviewing! And poor field testing on Parasound's part....
I've demoted my Adcom to video, now I use a Pass X One or Pass Aleph P for music....
Sorry, but I haven't heard the Parasound. FWIW, I owned the Adcom for over a year, then had it upgraded with Stan Warren's Black Gate cap upgrade. Very detailed, but somewhat bright with a propensity of becoming etched in the upper frequencies on some recordings. The black gates helped this, and generally smoothed things out a bit. Lots of options such as active/passive, HT pass through, and balanced/single ended. Dynamic in active mode, but kind of boring in passive mode (maybe careful system matching is in order). If you want to run passive, I believe there are better pre's out there such as Placette (one up now for $895) or Pass. It does ramp up fast in active mode as Danielk141 pointed out. My opinion is that with the options and features, and the detailed, dynamic sound, the Adcom is a bargin at the $600-$700 used price. However, I ultimately upgraded to a Muse 3 Signature, which I find to be a significant improvement.
I agree that the Parasound's volume control is a bit quick. However, I owned this preamp (though only for one month) and I thought it was very nice for the money. I moved up to a KRC after this; but if I hadn't, I would still own it. It was relatively accurate, with pretty nice bass. I liked the aesthetics as well. I cannot speak for the Adcom preamp, but I owned two 5400 amplifiers and they lacked the bass and dynamic range of any Parasound equipment I owned. All in all, if I had to choose, I would go with the Parasound. Also, I heard Adcom was bought out, and their service has been kind of poor.
Ive heard em both(Parasound only briefly). THe Adcom is a superior unit for transparanet signal transfer, the Parasound is far from that.

Stereophile actually got it right when they stated that the GFP-750 is probably one of the absolute best preamps at any price. Its a Nelson Pass design and uses superior components throughout.

No-Brainer: Adcom GFP-750. Parasound makes some great amps, but their preamps are nothing special.