amp-preamp considerations.

what are technical concerns[matching]when mating.have c-j prem.140 and am lookink for pre-amp.considering pass-lab x-1 or simaudio p-5.not stuck on either.using adcom gfp-750.looking for improvment on this.also new to tubes,think i would prefer ss.this amp is like having a small heater in da house.any input appreciated.
It is very easy to match a SS pre amp with a tube amp - electronic matching is not a problem due to high input impedences of amps and low output impedences of preamps. Its the reverse that can be problematic for some. If you don't want to have a tube pre-amp (which are much easier to maintain than a tube amp) go for the best quality unit you can afford, everyting else being equal, that has the features that you need, don't cheap out here, this is a critical component, and great units abound in the ads. Nothing wrong with Pass but I'd stay away from the Adcom - its not as good as your amp by a long shot.
I think we have answered this question before. I would buy at the very minimum a CJ premier 17lsII and maybe jump to the 16lsII. Either pre-amp will bring out the best in the prmier 140 anything less is a waste. Any of the pre's you mentioned are not in this league.
czbbcl. yes you did recommend the 17ls before.thanks again. are there any ss pre's that you would also rec.