an old thread that i would like to add to:
Stock: no sluch, but a bit cold to my ear, not as transparent as others.
Siemens 7308 Gold Pins (Emmanuel's favorite - i got from stewart at santuary of sound)): awesome imaging and soundstage - very quiet and refined. Maybe a bit analytical if im listening to female vocals. My brain loved these the most, my heart the least
Phillips Miniwatt pearl cryo's 6DJ8 (from 1959 german made: the opposite of the Siemens: warm and smooth as can be. Smaller soundstage, just a bot rplled off and less transparent than the Siemens, but the smoothness and roundness of the notes, it's emotional impact (esp at night with a merlot listening to vocals) is really unbelievable; handily eats the other tubes for dinner on the right matl.... These are what i keep coming back to, though clearly not as "hi-fi sounding" and not as good at rock or complex jazz. My heart loved these the most, my brain the least.
Finally Amperex PQ 6922 white lattereing D getter from early 1960's (got here on AG from Sam): a cross bwetwen the Simens 7308 and the 6DJ8's. These are my all-around winners, though my heart still falls hard for the 6DJ8's warmth, and depending on maoood and material, I'd prefer the reference quiet and refined sound of the Siemens.
If anything, im learning that tube rolling is like everything else in life - there are no absolutes, just trade-offs.