Audes Blue in a 60'X20' room is a BAD idea! This speaker is more suited to a 14'X24' type of room at the most. You probably cannot generate enough SPL to "fill" your room. To do so, you'll probably be playing with very loud volumes, the excursions on the woofer are going to be very large & in a short time (a month I guess, if you are lucky) you will need new tweeters as you probably will be running close to max. power into them! The specs say max. long-term power=130W & max short-term power=200W - using the short-term power #, this will generate 104 SPL @ 3m & using the long-term power, this will generate 107dB SPL @ 3m. Doubling the distance (to 6m) drops the SPL by 6dB. This speaker is only 47" tall & goes down to ONLY 45Hz (+/- 2dB) with one small-med 8" woofer.
At any rate, another amp that does well into 4 Ohms is the Clayton M100 but it is only 100W/ch. The bigger amps S2000 or M2000 are much more powerful - 600W/ch into 4 Ohms & 1000W/ch into 4 Ohms. However, they are expensive (but damn good)!!
I think you need to get much bigger speakers (for eg. PBN Montana XP, KAS or WAS, one of the larger Dunlavys or JM Lab Utopia or the GR Research Alpha LS)if you want to fill the room. A better idea might be to section off the room so that you can create a much smaller space into which the Audes Blue can play. This will make you *much* happier!