Amp question... Forte 4a or B&K ST140

Well, I should add that I am also considering a Bryston 3B.

First an introduction, I don't make much money so everything I buy is used, I am a ranch hand, the job has lots of benefits, just doesn't pay very well. I listen to acoustic music the most, from folk to jazz, though sometimes I "jones" for blues.

I was using an Adcom GFA-2 but it died recently, while it wasn't really all that great an amp it powered my Ohm Walsh 2's very well, picked up an Adcom 535 at a pawnshop, it sucks with my speakers, just way too bright for my ears.

I am wondering if the Forte 4a would have the power to drive the Walsh 2 speakers? They are 4ohm, 88 dB @ 2.8 Volts, so they do require a little power to drive them.

Anyone have an opinion on either of these amps? There's no way to audition them prior to sale, so I will have to live with what I buy.

R, I don't usually get involved in the opinion thing ... but ... if you can find a really nice Forte 4a ... I would go for it. Really nice resolution with a musical flow, sweet and smooth. Very , very balanced. A combination that many; if not most amps; can not put together. Power should be more than sufficent ...unless your trying to fill an auditorium or break windows. This amp is not hard to fit into a vast variety of systems, not the mismatched pain in the arse .. many amps can be. I think this amp is special, and in many ways; can show up many of the newer high priced rip-offs of the day. No, at present I don't own or have one for sale. I have owned more than one in the past. I think this a wonderful choice to fill your requirements. You should be able to pick one of these up reasonably, but do be particular and careful as to condition. I would advise if you can't see and hear the amp, at least talk to the seller by phone ... sometimes it will help you get a feel for the kind of person your dealing with and the kind of gear you might receive. Hope this helps. Best to you. Regards, Jim
Hi, guys -- Jim is right about the Forte 4A, it is a sweet little amp. I still own one, though it is not in use right now. However, I have to say that I prefer my Bryston 3B-ST to the Forte on both speakers I've tried: B&W 804 and Audio Concepts Sapphire III. The Bryston is, I think, somewhat smoother with greater depth of image, though perhaps less "dynamic" in the mid to low bass. The Bryston can be found for $8-900 on Audiogon. The newer Bryston 3B-SST is even better, but perhaps out of your price range. Can't comment on the B&K, I'm afraid. Actually, I think you'll enjoy any of the options you're considering, and all are good values used. Best, Rich
This answer is a little different.Since your
a bit low on cash, you can't go wrong with a
used Bryston.20 year warranty,4 ohm no problem.
I second regarding the B&K,it won't do well with 4 ohm.
Interesting question of amps.. I have a Forte 1a I used with several different speakers over a 12 yr period, I have heard the B&K st140 and personally I much prefer the sound of the Forte 1a over the B&K. The B&K is really warm/glowing and "loose" whereas the Forte is to me more authoritative and forceful in the bass, also more tightened down. I'm guessing the Forte 4a is a little better than the 1a (??). Rarely you see a Forte 4a for sale. There are two 1a's for sale now on audiogon I see.. great price for a good amp. My 1a is broken (1 channel gone bad). My current amp is an Eagle 4 which is better overall but much more money.