The fact is this.
Ive heard good tube setups. And i enjoyed them very much.
I still like solid state better.
That does not make me wrong, but what IS a rather pompous and arrogant statement is to say that "tubes sound better than solid state gear" and to boast that as a fact.
Tube gear suffers horribly from distortion. It is a pleasing distortion and can be a rather beneficial distortion, but im pretty sure that when Alicia Keys was playing the piano, that the piano did not send out a 2nd order harmonic distortion.
Distortion is distortion.
It does not take a genious to realize that if you look at the wave entering the Tube amp, and the wave LEAVING the tube amp, that the wave IS altered, and THUS, NOT the origional sound of the recording.
Solid state is more accurate, this is a proven fact. SS does not need any pixies and fairy dust to explain this fact, it does however have mathematical proof and the tests show it as well.
When Diana Krall is in yer living room singing, she is not introducing any 2nd order harmonic distortion either.
the tube amp does. Plain, simple, fact. Distortion is distortion folks.
Now im not bashing tubes, i think they sound great, and one day i will probably have a set of tube monoblocks just so i can mix things up from time to time.
Buying all this gear is about listening to music on your own terms. Some are purists who want perfect linear responce and frown on tone controls, some want to have the ability to change various aspects of the music to suit to thier tastes as well.
To me, to MY ears, Solid State Amplifiers sound great. Sure, there are some that suck, just like there are some tubes that suck, but im talking about MY enjoyment. My preference.
I prefer solid state. plain, simple, and i am correct. Tubes just dont really do it for me. I like the accuracy of solid state.
To state that preference has nothing to do about it, that it is all experience, well, maybe you need some more experience of your own. Such a definitive statement is about as idiodic as they get.
If you prefer Tubes and thier Distortion, then that is fine with me. Sit back, have your favorite drink, relax, and listen to YOUR music on YOUR terms and have fun.
I will be at home, doing the same, listening to my music on MY terms and enjoying it every bit as much as you.
And i can listen to solid state indefinatly and i dont get irratated by it. Maybe if solid state hurts your ears that much, you should consult a physician and see about making sure your ears are not going the way of the dodo.
Just dont sit there with a holier-than-thou attitude and tell me that my taste and my preference is wrong. Because when you say that, then I am right, and YOU are wrong.