Krell amplifier with Hales speakers?

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on they synergy of my system concerning the amplification. My current system consists of a Well Tempered turntable, Acoustech ph-1p phono stage, and Krell KAV 250cd front ends, these feeding a Krell KAV 300i integrated amplifier. I have all Audioquest ruby interconnects, and Audioquest type 6 speaker cables. My speakers are Hales Revelation Threes. I am wanting to upgrade my preamp/amplifier, should I go with seperates? I am looking at a Krell krc 3 preamp, and either Krell monoblocks (kma 100) or Ksa 150 amplifier.
Howdy, I just picked up the new Krell integrated, the KAV- 400ix, to drive my B&W CDM9's. People consider these speakers to be bright. I don't completely agree w/ this assessment, but I digress. The KAV-400 sounds great. This is a big step up from the B&K/Odyssey combo it replaced. Clear, articulate, fast with well controlled deep bass. This amp grabs hold of my woofers better than the odyssey does. Check out the new Krell integrated, 200 watts per channel and $2500 list, you might be surprised.
Bfuehrer be careful it sounds like this might be going from a hobby to an obsession! Placement is soo important. The entire sound of a system will change dramatically with proper setup and placement, and it's free!

You are right about the new amp, but gives rives a chance. You can spend less and get more.

PS I have nothing to do with Rives, although I have bought a couple of things from them.
"I tried different speaker placement tonight, according to the "golden rule theory" on the Cardas website."

Do you not have the speaker manual?
OLALA, No I don't have the speaker manual. If anyone has one and would be interested in copying it, I would like to know.
I think the manual is for the entire Revelation line, so I can copy and mail it. There is enough important information including room/speaker interaction information, general and Hales specific, that having a copy is necessary. Email me your address.