Next Biggest Improvement after Speakers ?

I know that different speakers offer the biggest and most dramatic difference and/or sonic improvement over other components in a system.
In your opinion, from personal experience, what component[s] usually offers the NEXT biggest sonic difference and/or improvements: Front end? Preamp? Power amplifier? Interconnects and Cables?
In what order,[most to least]?
Hi, My ears say it's the room and speaker set-up. Speakers should be properly position and nothing (no rack, stand or TV) between them. As for the gear,if you listen at mostly low to moderate levels and have high eff.speakers (1) an all tube integrated amp, very musical and involving sound.(2) (The right match of cables for synergy.(3) Try 2 dedicated lines(1 digital,1 analog) also with upgraded outlets.(sold my line conditioner)(4) In some rooms a powered sub is needed to help the tube integated amp and speakers out.(5)And of course a cd/dvd player(with the right player this could be no. (2) on your list. 24/96 or 24/192, dac,tubes, dvd-a , sacd, what ever sounds good to you. Overall keep it simple and fun and try a few free tweaks. Jerry
All good answers, the room is very important and can be 50% of the sound or more sometimes. The Speaker and amp marriage is critical. I recently upgraded to different speakers and when I got them home, they sounded like crap, not musical at all. I tried a bunch of preamps to get the sonics to improve but in the end chaning the amp gave me the synergy that I needed. The a good source is critical to get you to the next level. One you have the sonics you are looking for then you need to see what peramp will work with your system, every component sounds different as do cables, rooms, etc. so that you time to find what you are looking for and experiment.

Happy Listening.