Although no one is always right in any field, I have never regretted a purchase made after first listening in my own systems.
Since we all buy something, sooner or later, before hearing at home, trying to stick with what is recommended on Audiogon, or more than one of the "professional" reviewers, allows for re-sale to someone where the system synergy is better.
Home trials can be very helpful in finding high value for the money, and in training our ears to hear differences that a newcomer to the audio listening hobby considers only jargon, or stock phrases.
Since we all buy something, sooner or later, before hearing at home, trying to stick with what is recommended on Audiogon, or more than one of the "professional" reviewers, allows for re-sale to someone where the system synergy is better.
Home trials can be very helpful in finding high value for the money, and in training our ears to hear differences that a newcomer to the audio listening hobby considers only jargon, or stock phrases.