B&K ST-140 - Older vs. Newer versions?

Hi, I'm considering purchasing this amplifier and was wondering if anyone can tell me the easiest ways to distinguish older from newer versions, and what differences performance-wise there is between them.

Thanks in advance -Marc
I'm not an expert but I run three in my HT system.The original had 70wpc.The next two versions had champagne rack handles and gray face plates.The fourth version had blue lettering.I like the gray with champagne rack handles.Serial #2300.Good luck
The older EX version which is the best sounding, has a red rocker switch on the front. Gray face plate and champaign handles. It also has fixed, as in not detachable power cord. The old 442 I have was rebuilt by B&K due to a problem with the wife knocking the wires off an allowing them to touch, oh well, I sure do miss that wife, just kidding.

Mine is now in moth balls as I moved up to a Threshold, but I doubt for what I could sell it for I could find anything that performed as well.

B&K is an awesome company to deal with for service.

Loontoon - My EX-140 had a black faceplate, champagne handles and a pushbutton on/off switch. Purchased in 85' when they were discontinued and had already been succeeded by the ST. So there must have been more than one cosmetic version of the EX.

Marchomm, I picked up the ST2140 a year ago last fall to replace on old Hafler DH200. I only paid 450 bucks for it brand new. The salesman recommended 40 hours of burn in, so I played it 24/7 for a week. I didn't want to rush to judgement on this piece. After the week I settled in for some critical listening. To be honest, it was God awful. Contrained, harsh, unlistenable at anything more than conversation levels. No soundstage at all. It sounded like something was choking it. I re-inserted my Hafler. Sounded great. So I brought it back. Maybe it wasn't burned in enough. But I'll never know.