Best integrated, ???

I plan on getting Dynaudio's 5.4s(at the moment) and i'm looking for feedback on integrated amps. I have heard the Pathos TT & ML 383 with the 5.4s ... I liked the TT better, though it drove the speakers it is close to it's limit.
I was wondering about BAT VK-300X, McIntosh MA6900, Musical Fidelity Tri Vista integrated 300 and any other that have been compared...
I don't know for sure, but, I suspect the no lnoger made Genesis Stealth is a worthy nomination.

Since you liked the Pathos TT you should try the Pathos Logos. Tons more power than the TT and less $$ than the BAT or TRIvista. I have heard the BAT and owned the Logos cant comment on the TRivista. The Logos is a very good piece of equipt for the $$$. Not to plug a dealer but Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio sells them and can recommend tubes to taylor the sound to your liking.