Tab110s, the answer is no for the following reasons:
1) For the increase of about $500.00 you get what AA calls hand selected NOS tubes. Well, I have some of the finest NOS 12AX7's and 5751's, about ten different brands, to tailor the sound of my system. So, this part of the upgrade is not worth it to me.
2) Yes, for the $500.00 AA put some were in the DAC higher tolerance parts, however, it was not proven to me this would make a sonic difference that would be a difference in a blind fold test.
I have talked to a couple of friends who ears' I trust that have heard both versions of this DAC and there conclusion was what tubes you use make more of a difference then anything else and there is really no clear difference between the orginal and SE version of this great sounding piece.
1) For the increase of about $500.00 you get what AA calls hand selected NOS tubes. Well, I have some of the finest NOS 12AX7's and 5751's, about ten different brands, to tailor the sound of my system. So, this part of the upgrade is not worth it to me.
2) Yes, for the $500.00 AA put some were in the DAC higher tolerance parts, however, it was not proven to me this would make a sonic difference that would be a difference in a blind fold test.
I have talked to a couple of friends who ears' I trust that have heard both versions of this DAC and there conclusion was what tubes you use make more of a difference then anything else and there is really no clear difference between the orginal and SE version of this great sounding piece.