I'm thinking of getting into tubes, what do you

What do you have to do to run tube amps with a solid state preamp? What do you have to do to run a tube preamp with solid state amps? And finally, will any tube preamp and tube amp combination work safely?
Hi S23chang,
BAT? I really don't have any idea. A Marantz SACD player is on my 'short' list. And I'm going to go to a BAT dealer and listen to their solid state stuff. I hope it will sound better than the tube equipment I tried. Other things in this price range just seem so 'junky'. The old Krell I had that I liked; KAS 2s, KRC-HR w/ Ref phono, KPS 20i, Krell BAFs, that stuff is all getting too old to spend good money on. Especially, now that money is in much shorter supply.
Hi Mhu,
I know a lot of people consider that to be fun. I don't. I find it annoying in the extreme to go to my listening room for some much needed musical escape just to find I have some bad tubes. Nope, no fun at all. Plus experimenting with the different tubes can cost as much as a component change in a hurry. Or, some cables anyway.
Hello again.I was a tube fanatic for many years,but had given a demonstration one week.Very impressive,customer came back the next week and the tubes had to be rebiased after each song.Unsatisfactory! I found the Lamm M1.1s very satisfying and I see a pair on the AGon for $6500?????
I am expecting my first tube amps in many a year.I looked for an amp with as few tubes as possible and an autobias circuit.I feel it it manditory to use NOS tubes as they last considerably longer than current production tubes modeled after the "classics".Just thought I would toss in my two cents.Happy listening.
Thanks Tpsonic,
I have ordered a VK-20 with the six pac plus and remote. I may someday get back into tubes. But I don't think tubes will ever give me the percussion I want. Unless I spend a ton of money. For now, I'll stay with solid state. At least until I get into into a better more permanent retirement and a better room. I'm still thinking of getting the Nortcreek crossovers for my B&Ws. But they are very expensive new and I haven't seen any for sale on the used market. Except with (including) speakers.