Best Budget Integrated Hands down

I have sorted through over 1000 threads on this site trying to figure out what is the crème de la crème of budget integrated amps (under $1000.) I have come up with a pretty good list of amps that have great things to say about all of them. I have heard plenty of good stuff, are there any amps on this list that have big pitfalls? If any people have done comparisons on these or have a suggestion please let me know.
• Audio Analogue Puccini SE
• Plinius 8100
• Bryston B-60
• Unison Unico
• Blue Circle CS
• Classe CAP-100
• Musical Fidelity A300
• Audio Refinement Complete
Thanks for any help you can give me.

Eric Baer
I own both 5350SE and A300. Both are fine for the money, which was all I cared to spend at the moment.

Several of your choices are available used on Agon:

Audio Analogue:

Creek 5350SE:

MF A300:

MF A3.2 (A300's replacement I believe):

Last one sounds like a deal.

As the Nike commercial said - Just do it.
We are down to four amps now in our final stages of elimination. Every amp on this list is a viable contender.
• Audio Analogue Puccini SE ($1150)
• Plinius 8100 ($2000)
• Unison Unico ($1700)
• Blue Circle Audio ($1150)
I am in an audio wasteland (Memphis TN it is far from the music mecca you may think) and will not be able to audition any one of these. Recomendations are all Ive got to go on. throw them out

Eric Baer