Reference quality line stage?

I'm planning the purchase of the last line stage I'll ever need (as distinct from the last one I'll ever buy...). It's going to be used for two-channel stereo only. It will sit between my Audio Note 4.1x Balanced Signature and a pair of Wavelength Triton Blue monoblocks driving Coincident Total Victory speakers. My opportunities for auditioning units in the price range I'm looking at are severely limited, which is why I'm asking for thoughts here.

My musical tastes run the gamut: orchestral, chamber, jazz, rock, folk, blues, even some alt country. My audio tastes are decidedly single ended triode: I like music that's palpable, fleshy, detailed, open, dynamic, extended and just plain real.

I'm looking for a line stage that's going to give me everything with as little fuss and attention as possible. My mechanical requirements are simple. My minimum configuration would be: single ended, three inputs, one output. I need about 10db of gain. Remote volume control would be nice but not essential. Anything beyond that (balanced operation, remote source selection, tape outputs, HT capability etc.) is OK if it doesn't compromise the fundamental quality of the unit.

The price range I'm looking at is $10K to $15K USD. I have no preference for new or used. The short list at the moment includes the Blowtorch, the VTL 7.5 and the Aesthetix Callisto Signature. I'm a bit hesitant about the Callisto, frankly, because of the number of tubes - it looks to me like there's too much potential for care and feeding problems down the road.

Any thoughts on my three candidates or suggestions for others I should consider are welcome.
Hello Glider,

The Blowtorch is fantastic. Best solid state preamp I've ever heard, and quite possibly the best regardless of type. Nope, I don't sell 'em.

You might also want to consider the Atma-Sphere MP-1, which it just so happens I do sell (surprise, surprise). Very lively with superb inner harmonic detail. Let me know where you're located and I'll try to arrange an audition for you.

But if you don't get the Atma-Sphere, get the Blowtorch.

My $.02,

If you're considering the Blowtorch, make sure that your sources have a relatively high level of output. From what i can remember, the Blowtorch doesn't have as much gain and you may have a hard time driving an insensitive amp to full ouptut with a weak source or very quiet recording. This would be something to talk to Bob Crump or John Curl about. It is a worthy contender so long as you can meet the above criteria. Sean
Just a thought if you DON'T get a Blowtorch: try a transformer coupled attenuator "passive" pre. I know you're aiming at 10db gain -- but do you REALLY need it with very sensitive speakers (95-96db/1m/2,83V??) & high output 300B's? If your amp's input impedance is benign (47kOhm?) and the source output is reasonable (say 2V) as Sean notes, you could be happy playing the source near direct into the amps.
Wavac makes these (at a price) -- so does a Swiss company (at swiss prices!).
Moreover, if you'd consider a kit, you can even get silver-wounded trannys for attenuation WITH a 6db step-up. At least one A'gon member is happy with such a kit from diyhifisupply.
Again, just a thought...
Sean, the CTC Blowtorch has 8db of gain single ended and 14db balanced. This has ALWAYS been enough gain in stock configuration so don't know where you are getting your information.....It is easy enough to allow more gain if the customer needs it by changing one resistor, but nobody has ever needed it.....The unit does not like driving amplifiers with input impedances under 20K is the only caveat and we offer an output buffer, but haven't sold a unit with this feature either......

Bob Crump, Proprietor
TG Audio/CTC Builders
Thanks for the ideas and suggestions, everyone. Digging up information about some of the candidates I hadn't considered has really helped focus my thoughts.

A couple of things became clear to me in the process. On is that there are a lot of very, very good line stages out there at this price point. The second is that given that sound quality is not so much of an issue, philosophical considerations play a major role in the decision.

I'm a bit of a hair-shoirt guy. I like designs that are totally focussed on sound quality, and I dislike designs that try to be all things to all people. Too many features turn me off. I've always believed that you get a better outcome if you decide up front to completely satisfy a limited set of criteria rather than trying to broaden your customer base as much as possible.

Given that understanding, the choice was simple. Curl, Thompson and Crump are getting my money.

Now all I have to do is wait...