I am looking for a second hand preamp to my SONY SCD-555ES player(moded European model with balanced outputs), ARC CL-120 amps(balanced), Proac One Sc speakers set up.

I have two offers: ARC LS5 MKIII and LS25MKII for roughly the same price.

Would need the help of those who had the chance to compare these preamps or owned them.

Any comment would be welcomed!

I am using the ARC PH2, LS25MKI and the VT100MKII. The combination (using NOS 6H23 Sovtek tubes) is very satisfying. I agree with Jafox that the PH2 is an excellent phono stage that is not well known because it is completely balanced. I bought the PH2 new for about $2500 nine years ago and I have no desire to "upgrade".

I personally do not like the tonal balance of the LS25MKII. It is not as liquid sounding (musical) as the LS5MKIII or the LS25MKI. The LS25MKII is a hybrid design that uses both FETs and the 6H30 tubes.

I would recommend either the LS5MKIII or the LS25MKI (with 6H23 Sovtek tubes). Please note, however, that the LS5 is all balanced whereas the LS25 will accomodqte both RCA and XLR connections.
I also like LS5, still have LS5II playing at my home. On the contray as John, I did try BAT 31SE but keep LS5. Maybe LS5 is better match to my system, and I like sound to be a little warm. BAT just remind me too much of a ss.
Gee wiz John..give a guy a break. I was only adding my $.02 fwiw to be of help.I didn't know the "ARC audio geru" was watching!! Yikes!....LOL...kidding JA! Hope your well John!

Anyway..I think my "envy" is really only enthusiasium for a perspective buyer of some very nice equipment and knowing the joy that ARC offerings bring to a system. I deeply respect your comments and advice because you have had the opportunity to "in home" many fine components over the years. But, please dont worry about me, I am very happy now that I've made some changes in amps and speakers and my modded LS 15 with the NOS tubes, and run balanced sounds very, very, good. Perhaps the stock unit is not quite as musical and liquid..I would agree. But many stock units can be brought to life with the right massaging. Yes.. the LS5Mk3 is better( now only marginally though if at all in my case) I heard so much improvement over stock that I swore they tore out and replaced everything!...but, at the time, my situation was not right to go out and get the LS5 and change all my gear, and connects to true balanced designs. can trust the post made here regarding the comments of the LS5...All this hoopla should give you proof how good the LS5Mk3 really is..Listen to Jafox, as he has spent extensive time and man hours comparing various pieces, many of the ARC components he has personally owned. His ears can be trusted

Thanks all of you for the valuable comments, now I know which way to go... :>)
