I am looking for a second hand preamp to my SONY SCD-555ES player(moded European model with balanced outputs), ARC CL-120 amps(balanced), Proac One Sc speakers set up.

I have two offers: ARC LS5 MKIII and LS25MKII for roughly the same price.

Would need the help of those who had the chance to compare these preamps or owned them.

Any comment would be welcomed!

Hey bluefin, thanks for the clarification. Oh yes, I agree with your findings on the 30SE. It is in fact the 30SE that I started with when I traded the LS5 III to another memeber here, Steve.

When I received the 30SE, all of the incredible three dimensionality I had for years with the LS5 III was gone.
And Steve had told me this was an issue with him but he had heard rumors that the 31SE resolved this problem. This was indeed right as I knew I would upgrade to 31SE once I heard the side-by-side comparison of the 30SE vs 31SE at the BAT dealer.

The 30SE indeed has a severe rolloff on the top. Not only does this take away the extention in the upper frequencies, but it also takes away so much of the harmonic richness that models like the LS5 show through so well. But the 31SE resolves this issue very well. So if you ever get a chance, just out of curiosity, take your LS5 to a BAT dealer and have a listen to the two.


John described the transaction as it occured and both of us ended up winners.

If I didn't have an ARC amp, I would have kept the 30se & had it converted to the 31se. I made the switch to the LS5 because of the percieved synergy with a balanced ARC amp. Now that I have ProAc speakers (R 3.8's) the synergy really shines through. I wish I had a 31se to compare to, unfortunatley there aren't any BAT dealers in the Chicago area.

As far as the GNS upgrade, I had an EIC installed and I'm using a Cardas Golden Reference PC, had the power supply beefed up & have Cardas Caps. I'm using Siemens 7308's or
Telefunkens. I'd like to try the Tungrsram ECC88's since they are more reasonably priced and I've seen them pop up on Audiogon recently. I'm using a set of them in a BAT P10 phono and they have exceptional low noise.

CSABA, sorry if some of us got off on a tangent, but you started great thread.

Steve- I used Tungsrams in my LS15 for about a year.In a word...detail,detail and more detail. VERY transparent tube with excellent bass. BUT... They are not as sweet and warm in mids and highs. I put Siemens gold pin 7308's recently and feel they offer the better balance without losing detail and transparency. At the price of what the Tungs are going for though, they are worth trying for sure. But I feel they are not in the league with the
Thanks Ken.

I also use the Seimens 7308 as driver tubes in my amp. They were the richest sounding as compared to Amperex and the telefunkens.
Hi, I had LS-15 before and thought the mid sounds better after infi-cap upgrade, and remember to put in SIEMENS tubes(try bugle boy if you want warm sound LS15). The bass is not as full and musical as LS5. BAT 30SE's bass is not as loud but a good control. AT some point, I have LS-15, LS5, and BAT 30SE at home. LS5 and early LS-15 came out before this power cable thing, so change it to IEC for experimenting power cable would be fun. That's my next plan. One good (yet bad?) thing about 6922 is that there are so many different brands you can try.
BAT you can try different cable even their web site said no difference (to my ears they are less sensitive to power cable than LS15, but I won't say no difference).

John, thanks I will audit 31SE if having chance. LS25-II has a astonishing bass (I hear once in dealer place), and it seems quicker and share some charater with BAT (they all use 6H30 I think, maybe I am wrong). The gear then is so different from mine, so I can't comment too much without living with LS25 for some time.