VT-100 MKII sonics but need more power

I am looking for a tube amp that has the sonics of the Audio Research VT-100 MKII but with more power say 150 wpc. I would prefer a stereo amp also, but all suggestions welcome. I am putting together a system for a friend with Alon 4 speakers and they have a 12" woofer. I want to have a nice full mid range with sweet highs and control the woofer with a tube amp for now.

I have heard that the VT-200 does not as good sounding as the VT-100 from a close friend who had both.

Thanks for your suggestions and Happy Listening.
The ARC VT200 MKI would fit the bill, with power and musicality in spades (it is a great amp). Incidentally, I own the VT100MKII, and I find it to be quite powerful. I am using the VT100 MKII to drive MG 3.5s. The sound is beautiful and robust.
Biamp with SS.
For bass SS amp I'd recommend McCormack DNA.5. It'll match VT100, give a nice drive to 12" woofer and overall the system will keep the seetness of mids and highs along with tube holographics.
take care about the Vt 200, I understand there are some stability issues. You might want to do a search on that amp, others have reported issues. I believe the problem comes from the bias scheme, it uses matched quads and only has one bias adjustment per quad.

Also, rumor has it that they are discontinouing the vt 200 in favor of the vs 220 moono blocks. This may adversly affect the resale value of this amp.
The VT-200 was reviewed and considered sonically superior to the VT-100 -- more dimensional, more detail, larger sounding. It surprises me that your friend would think the opposite. You can get VT-200 at very attractive prices, i.e. $3,400.