McIntosh MC402 and MC501

Has anyone compared the MC402 to the new MC501 mono-amps?
I have heard both in my home, the 501s are better, I currently have a 252, i would either get another one or get the 501s
I have auditioned the 402, 501 and tube 2102 in my house.
The mc402 is not worth looking at. The 501's are ok but for $9000 new are not worth the money in my opinion. The tube 2102 was vastly superior to both the 402 and 501 on 2 channel music. The stereophile review on the 501's compared them to being very close to the Halcro DM58. The Halcros are so superior I just dont understand how that comparison could have ever been written.
I think the 501's would be ok for home theatre but would not recommend them for 2 channel music
Rumney510, I have the MC402 for quite some time now - and had the Halcros at home as well. I have listened to the MC501s as well. My experience is probably more thorough and different from yours in every point. The mc402 is not worth looking at", you write. I have found it to be oe of the best-sounding amps I ever listened too, and one of the most priceworthy. Only thing is, they take weeks to burn in properly. They sounded awful at my place for the first weeks, before they reached the level TAS described recently. "The stereophile review on the 501's compared them to being very close to the Halcro DM58. The Halcros are so superior I just dont understand how that comparison could have ever been written.", you say. I understand. Event the comparison between the MC402 and the Halcros was a close call. Yes, the Halcro was slightly better - especially when laying so loud you could tear the house down with the level. But different from the McIntoshs the Halcro is ridicously overpriced.
Always many different factors involved with audio auditions. Try the MC2102 and see how you think it compares.
One thing thing I absolutely agree on with you though - if the MC402 sounded only "slightly better" to you then they are as you put it "ridicuolsly overpriced" for you.
Rumney510, before buying the MC402, I compared it to the MC2102. I liked the MC402 better, as I liked the C200 better when I compared it to the C2200. And I think the Halcros are "ridicuolsly overpriced", not the McIntoshs