Best integrated under $1500 with Phono

I need at least 50 wpc to drive Von Schweikert 4.5's. I prefer to buy used to get the most bang for the buck. Any thoughts?
Sbank, thanks for your comments! I am actually all over the board on this topic. I wanted to see what was available in a reasonably priced integrated because this hobby can get expensive in a hurry. My middle tier option at the moment is to get either the BAT vk-60 and the vk3i preamp or the VTL MB 125's with the 2.5 preamp. What I really want to do is order the Berning zh-270 amp and the Supratek Syrah preamp. Each day my mind changes on the most prudent approach. Now it is up to me to determine whether most prudent means sonically or financially! Up till now, the dealer who sold me the 4.5's had lent me a Sophia 40 watt integrated which was only barely adequate. Even with the Sophia and the Rotel RCD1072, the VS 4.5 was nice to listen to except for loud passages of orchestral works. One can do much worse than an el-34 based amplifier. I really did feel that better electronics would make this speaker really sing. It is by far the best piece of audio gear that I ever have owned. I really appreciate your thoughts.
Your comments make sense. I can relate, as I was an owner of the 4.5s with BAT vk60 & vk5i a few years ago. Now I use a Berning. It is certainly better than the BAT to my ears, but it should be at double the price. (Not to mention the wait for new & lack of used available!).
My very first tube amp was a VTL ST-80, certainly not as nice as the 125, so take this w/grain of salt, but to me the VTL doesn't give you the transparency of the BAT nor the Berning. Details will lack, relatively speaking.
The BAT combo could be the smart bet for your situation; you could use it for a year or two, order a Berning and/or Supratek whenever finanaces allow; use the BAT while you wait for them, and them sell the BATs at nominal depreciation. You could do a lot worse! Keep us posted...
Cheers, Spencer
Thanks again for your input. What you say makes a lot of sense. I will let you know what I do. There is a couple of month wait on the Berning but I really want one. A question about your BAT gear, what cable did you use since one is supposed to run it ballanced(twice the cable!) Does the Berning merit the raves of those who post about it? Have you ever run it without the preamp. I guess I could leave the phono to the side until I can afford a preamp? I am very intrigued by this amp. I heard the Siegfried here in Chicago and it was very good. How does the Berning do on your Von Schweikerts?
YBA Integre. Cannot beat for the price. There's one on the 'gon for sale. Grab it. I cannot think of a better SS 50 watts new or used. I owned one for 7 years and loved it. peace, warren