Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350

Anyone has the good fortune of auditioning/owning these two amps? And which one do you prefer?
I was not being sarcastic, I was asking a serious question. (Which you didnt bother to answer) The x-350 is easily the best amp to have graced my system and if there is better in the same price range, new or used, I would like to have your thoughts (since you're never wong). Im not stuck on any one piece of gear and change frequently although I have had the 350 for a while. I have'nt heard everything but I do quite a bit of listening at high end dealers here in Florida and so far I have'nt heard anything that made me want to run out and sell the 350. So if you have a suggestion for a amp in the same price range. I would definitely like to hear it, I just want to know what makes it better. And lets be realistic, any high end gear thats a few years old is going to sell for about half of what is cost new in most cases. Sorry for the snide remarks, I couldnt help myself, but my question was serious.
Have you listened to any of the latest generation of digital amps, such as those from Spectron, Rowland, or Acoustic Reality? You might not prefer them, but worth checking out. Lots of benefits apart from sonics (size, weight, heat, power consumption), if those matter to you at all. These attributes don't matter so much to me, but they are definitely in the nice-to-have category.
Then I stand corrected..X-350 is the greatest amp ever new or used .let's all sell are amps and keep our opinions to ourselves.Listen you can't just list a bunch of amps and say why this or that ....I listened to X-350 and I moved on ...This is an open forum ,I am by definition allowed to state my opinion ,you can agree or disagree.the pissing contest is next month.
Sorry for asking a simple question. Durbin, the only one in your list i've auditioned was Rowland and it was very nice, I just preferred the presentation of the Pass, it just sounded more natrual. Spectron is on my short list to audition as well as Spectral. I have Dunlavy speakers and John Dunlavy actually reccomended Specrton amps although his ears have often been questioned. Have you compared any of these amps with the Pass x-series amps?
I replaced a Pass X-150 with Rowland 201 monoblocks and feel it was a dramatic improvement, but I understand how personal these decisions are.