Suggestion please: How to improve sound.

As a new comer to audio world, I gradually build my system:

Theta Data II transport.
Theta Pro Basic II DAC.
Audio Research LS-15 tube preamp (superb).
Aragon 8008 Mk2.
NHT 3.3.

All cables are Monster's at this time. For speaker cables, DIY cat5 is on the way. I am using gauge 12 generic cable now.

This system sound pretty good to me. However, I feel it should sound better. The only A/B test I did is to compare preamp to Myryad MP100 and Threshold F10, LS-15 sounds absolutely better, smooth and more musical. I also compare Aragon amp to Threshold S300 and seems NHT 3.3 likes power.

Overall, I feel this system could sound more transparent and more airy. Since I have no chance to do many A/B test to pickup the best equipement, I would like to hear some comments from real audiophiles here. Which is bottle neck in my system?

But I don't have too much money to burn. I once heard Pass Lab X350 which superb, but it is just too expensive. I was thinking about Aragon Palladium. I wonder if upgrade from 8008 to Palladium with more power will improve a lot?

Any comments are welcome and thanks in advance.

Spend a lot of time working on set up and treatment of your room (even if you think you have done this - revisit it). You might be amazed at the differences small changes can make - often much greater than buying new stuff. For example, in my room, which I thought was well dialed in, I moved one speaker closer 1 1/2 inches and the other 2' further to toward the outside (no longer symetrical) and the sound stage clicked in like I couldn't believe! The first time I have ever had great layered depth of imaging in my present room.

Re new stuff, what kind of sound are you looking for - what about your present set up do you not like? Give us a clue and I'm sure you'll get some meaningful recommendations.
The NHT 3.3s are real good speakers, but they are demanding about setup. Make sure that they are absolutely parallel to each other and be prepared to spend alot of time experimenting with the distance from the rear wall. They like power, but changing amps won't make that much of a difference. The downside of the 3.3s is that they don't do the transparent and airy thing as well as some other speakers. Their strong points are dynamics, imaging, bass and overall smoothnes and you'd be hard pressed to find a speaker at its price that betters it in this combination. The lack of transparency and air is a relative thing, not a fatal flaw.
First you need to assure you are getting the most from what you have. You will need to account for speaker placement and listening position. The size and shape of your room will affect where your speakers will sound best and the ideal listening position. Take some time and experiment. Move the speakers around and adjust the angle of the speakers. You'd be surprised how much of a difference this can make.
For a minimal investment you can buy Robert Harleys book "The Complete Guide to Highend Audio." It offers a number or set up and placement tips which can be done for free. Laura Dearborn's book "Good Sound" might be helpful too.

Generally speaking it is cheaper to treat a room that it is to buy new gear. It can also be much more satisfying.

Good luck.