Recommended vintage amps.

Thanks to the many good postings here that got me into buying a few good vintage analog tuners and mini monitors on the recommended list.

Now I am considering any good vintage integrated amps to match my old Kenwood and NAD tuners. Currently I'm using a NAD 3020 and Sansui AU-217, which both are so worn out and looks like ready to retire. Or should I just get the newer (budget) integrated amps but are they sonically matching with vintage tuner and speakers? My speakers are Acoustic Energy Aegis 1, B&W DM302 and Paradigm Mini Monitors.

Thank You for looking.
Look for Tandberg integrateds or receivers from the late 70s, early 80s - they sound fantastic!

Since you like sansui: check under the classifieds for sunday. A guy is selling a 717 system for $300, integrated, tuner and cassette.
Hi, many thanks to all who responded and it's really a great pleasure reading all the info to help me get better selection. Truly wonderful Audiogon users you folks are.

Since I need 2 to 3 integrated amps (one for each room), most likely will look at the budget $200 price range. Or as recommended, pick up a vintage receiver with great FM reception, I listen to FM music most of the time.