Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
It is the BEST in the world - BAR NONE! It is better than EVERTHING EVER MADE -- the Tenors, the VTLs, the Halcos, the Audio Research, the Rowlands, the Linns, the Manleys, the Tube Research, the [INSERT ANY NAME] - they all PALE in comparison!!! IT BLOWS AWAY EVERYTHING! IT IS UNEQUALED ANYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE. IT IS BETTER THAN LIVE!!

Oh, I forgot to mention, I am a Dartzeel dealer!!

Just kidding!! ;-)

Hey budddy, how's that fabulous system sounding? Are the woofers loosening up yet? Has your wife been able to drag you away from it yet?