Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
It is the BEST in the world - BAR NONE! It is better than EVERTHING EVER MADE -- the Tenors, the VTLs, the Halcos, the Audio Research, the Rowlands, the Linns, the Manleys, the Tube Research, the [INSERT ANY NAME] - they all PALE in comparison!!! IT BLOWS AWAY EVERYTHING! IT IS UNEQUALED ANYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE. IT IS BETTER THAN LIVE!!

Oh, I forgot to mention, I am a Dartzeel dealer!!

Just kidding!! ;-)

Hey budddy, how's that fabulous system sounding? Are the woofers loosening up yet? Has your wife been able to drag you away from it yet?
My understanding is that the Dartzeel, as mentioned in a recent Stereophile review by John Marks, is one of the best amps in the world. Why not give it a whirl? I can't use it on my Maggies, but on Kharmas, Avalons, and the like, I'm sure it delivers superlative performance.
Gladstone, since you are SO sincere ;-) in your unabashed praise of this amp you have never heard, and since I ALWAYS do whatever the mags or dealers tell me to do, I am going to rush right out and buy one of them thar Dart Zeals! Ya wanna buy these junky Tenor pieces-o-crap? You can use em in yer office system!!

Whaddya think about those "White Van" speakers to go with it?