Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
This is definitely the strangest thread I have ever seen.

1. We are all friends.
2. We are all psychotic.
3. We all own EMM Labs equipment.
4. Ooops, How did Bob Crump get in this thread :)
5. We have all made fun of MES.
6. We have all heard the terrible sounds I make when I have kidney stones.

Any outsider would definitely think we are all related and live in West Virginia. :) (No offense to those of you from W.V.)
Hey, at least I have heard the DarTzeel and compared it to other amps, but it has been at least five years ago at a reviewer's place.......Mes always gets picked on as understand his new house is next door to the International Waitress Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.....I don't have EMM gear as been playing with that old DAC/transport again and it is working good enough for me :-) Frank, I want some of whatever you are drinking.....
Hey, I resemble those remarks.

1.I have no friends.
3.I only own 1/2 of any of my gear, EMM Labs included.
4.Who's Bob Crump?
5.Oh, like that's a challenge!
6.The terrible sounds I've heard you make have nothing to do with kidney stones. Irritable Bowel Syndrome of the KIDNEYS? I think not, and won't even charge you for that consult.
7.It's those in WV who should be offended. BTW JT, how is your cousin/girlfriend?
I understand JTinn has been seen wearing the new T-shirt "It's all relative in West Virginia."