Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
Hey, I resemble those remarks.

1.I have no friends.
3.I only own 1/2 of any of my gear, EMM Labs included.
4.Who's Bob Crump?
5.Oh, like that's a challenge!
6.The terrible sounds I've heard you make have nothing to do with kidney stones. Irritable Bowel Syndrome of the KIDNEYS? I think not, and won't even charge you for that consult.
7.It's those in WV who should be offended. BTW JT, how is your cousin/girlfriend?
I understand JTinn has been seen wearing the new T-shirt "It's all relative in West Virginia."
LOL!! The DarTzeel seems to have gotten lost on this thread. I know most of you STRANGE fellows and you guys are hilarious. What is on the road kill menu for today? Moonshine to wash it down with maybe?

Out here in Iowa we have the best beef in America and I'll stick to that! LOL!!!!