mccormack or odyssey

which amp would you choose and yes i think the power is needed. the odyssey stratus with cap upgrade or the mccormack dna-1
I got my VDH cables brand new from a guy here on Audiogon. There are a couple of different sellers now. They're all European dealers, BTW. With the fall of the dollar against the Euro, they're getting more and more expensive. I liked the VDH cables much better than the crappy, overpriced Monster IC's I was using. Search in the classified here under cables for them.
Hello, I own a McCormack 0.5 Deluxe and an Odyssey Stratos (dual mono). Both sound excellent and are two of my all time favorite amps. I have found that either one can easily drive a 4 ohm load & are equally very transparent. However they do have a different sonic signature. It would really come down to personal preferences as to which one to get as they are both very good. The McCormack sounds excellent from the get-go but the Stratos needs to be powered up for a period of time to reach its full potential. Since I love both I would have a hard time letting go of either one at this time.