Denon 3803 No Detachable Power Cord Why?

I recently bought a 3803, to upgrade the cord I have to void my waranty, doesn't Denon want their equipment to perform it's best? I also purchaced a Denon 2200 DVD it has a detachable cord and it's half the price! Is it worth voiding my waranty to upgrade or should I just sell and buy an amp & pre/proc and be done with receivers?
A non-detachable cord avoids any contact resistance at the cord/chassis plug. IMHO it's a good thing. A detachable cord facilitates sale of the unit in various countries that have different configurations of wall outlet. (just ship a different cord).
I believe the Arcam AV receiver has a detachable power cord and is a nice piece for the money.
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If you want power filtering with a fixed cord , you simply need a Power conditioner.