Favorite SS Amp?

And the search continues. I am always looking for better. I currently have a pair of Dali Euphonia MS-4's which I love. I am using a Sherbourn 7/2100 which is a fine amp but not exactly what I am looking for. Ideally I am looking to go back to just 2 channel. Based on size and WAF constraints, I am limited to a stereo amp that will be in a cabinet so heat will be a consideration, although the bottom shelf could conceivably have 5-6 inches above it for heat dissipation if I went to a Class A amplifier. Budget is a consideration. Really not looking to spend much over 3-4K used. High current and respectable power would be a plus. Sonic signature is very important and big soundstage as well. Thanks in advance for all of your good input.

Good Listening,

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ
Belles 350 A. I have had Bryston, Levinson, Gamut. For the money nothing compares to Belles.
Try BVaudio power amp. See around if anyone is complaining, there is no comparison to this amp.
Worth to try.

Celestial has a Gamut D200 on distributor loan. One of the shipping labels says "Jonathan Valin". It is definitely a well worn demo. I'm going to go hear it today or Monday..