Thanks for all your responses. Most likely I will get the Bryston.
I am well aware that the ARC D130 will be better in the upper mids but I'm willing to sacrifice that for a livelier sound, more controlled bottom end and extended highs(although some would say it as splashy treble with the Bryston). It's just that I prefer a more upfront sound.
As for the ARC 100.2, I do know that they are very good amps and certainly a marked improvement over the ARC D130, and probably better than the Bryston. But my concern is that a new unit of the 100.2 cost twice as much (or more) than a used 4B-ST. I'm a poor audio enthusiast so I have to make do with the Bryston....for now.
Well that's all folks. Looks like I still have to get a preamp and there's no way going round this one, and thanks for your advice Marakanetz on Bryston preamps. Nearly got one early last month but rejected the deal since it's black in colour(I wanted a silver one!).