Calling B&W speaker users with tube power amp


Am currently using a B&W Matrix 803 series 2 speakers, driving it with a solid state power and tube pre. Am actually preferring tube sounds. Therefore, am toying with the idea of getting a tube power to replace the ss. Big question in mind is whether tube power amp is able to drive the speakers.

Could anyone who is using B&W speakers driven by tube power amp share experiences pls? pls also inform what brand/watt of the tube power amp used.

I'm driving my n804's with a Blue Circle BC28 hybrid(120wpc). I went hybrid because I wanted the slam of solid state to go with the tube sound. Highly recommended!
Audiodb, I must take issue with Tpsonic's comments on the Rogue. Rogue equipment is hardly "the solid state of the tube world." Perhaps those who like a bloated, over-caramelized, amorphous tube sound would feel that way. The new M150s are wonderful sounding amps with a full-bodied sound, and hardly cause listener fatigue on B&W's. They would be an excellent match.

Just got a hold of a rogue m120 original version. Haven't got the chance to set it up in my systems yet. But listening it through my friend's more 'primitive' systems, it was a wow already.

BTW, you sound like you have had experience with rogue audio before. Since my rogue has been at least 4-5 yrs old, and the tubes have never been changed, which of the tubes would you think needed to be replaced first? have any particular tube brand(s) you have in mind? and if i change a tube in say the left one, i should also change the tube in the right one, correct? anything else you'd suggest me to replace or check? lastly, could you also help provide email address for rogue, i somehow couldn't get it from their website.

Audiodb, For a long time I have driven my B&W 805N with a Cary V12I (now R) amp in triode mode (50w). I listen loudly to Jazz vocals, blues and R&R. I must admit that at times the Cary seems unable to drive the 805s to the volume and pressure that I desire. But, when listening at 'normal' volume the combination is breathtaking. Huge soundstage, warm involving believable mid/vocals. Nirvana probably could be found with a more powerful tube amp.