Integrated Amp and Speakers for a teenager?

Hi every one,

After working part-time I was able to put $900 togheter for my first audio system. So, as you can see my budget is very limited. I am lucky enough though to already have a CD, DVD-Audio player and tuner.

But I don't know to what to look for. I know instead how I will use the system: it will be for playing piano (keyboards), and for listening to radio, DVD-Audio and CD's. My favorite music is classical and from time to time jazz (experimental).

I am leaving in a small apartment in a building so I am not interested in loud sound. Even by contrary - I do enjoy listening to low levels.

What I would prefer - a NATURAL sound, as analytical and detailed as posible for this money.

So, which integrated ampifier paired with which speakers?
And because I am young and these money matter for me - I need something that will be as reliable as posible and will serve for the next 5 years (at least)

Thank you a lot
I don't believe you should spend more than $150-200 used for your int. amp. On Audiogon, NAD 312 $150 obo. On E-bay, a couple of Rotel RA-820's are for sale. Absolutely nothing wrong w/ older electronics. They were build very well and sound IMO excellent. I'm really impressed by Sony amps/rec. of the early 80's. But, finding the right combination to work in your ROOM and to your tastes is very difficult! It's quite a challenge. If you were to buy new, the NAD C320 ($320) seems like quite a bargain, which would have good resale value. This would leave you $500+ for spks. Good Luck!
How about something a little different. A used Jolida 102B tubed integrated (around $400). Since this is only 20W, you'd need some efficient speakers. The Epos ELS3 might be a good choice. I believe a tubes integrated would meld quite nicely with your classical/jazz tastes.
I purchased a pair of Vandersteen 1Bs for $200 and a 40 wpc NAD integrated for $170 from Audiogon. Together with a garden variety Philips CD player, the musical presentation is truly exemplary. Classical and jazz in particular.
I second what a couple of other peolpe are telling you get a pair of VANDERSTEEN 1B,S OR 1C,S. I own 1B,s they are great sounding. I am thinking of upgrading to 2CE signatures but the 1B,s are a great sounding speakers for very little money you can't beat them with any other speaker in that price range
Have you considered the Cambridge SoundWorks "SoundWorks" Radio CD 740 priced at $299? The unit includes speakers, radio and CD player in one box. It plays loud and maybe be perfect for your teenager. The web address is: