First Sound compared to Supratek, VAC, or Audio No

Hello. I have a FS Prescence Deluxe II and am very happy with it. I have read that people often prefer transformer coupled preamps to non-transformer coupled ones.

Does anyone have experience with the First Sound products and one or more from Supratek, VAC, or Audio Note? If so, how were they different?

I addition, I am curious if any First Sound owners have moved up their line? Where did you hear improvement? Overall, do you think is it worth the extra expense? Looking back, would you made a different choice? Thanks for your input. Brooks
Hi Larry, I agree with you that HiFi is lucky to have Kevin and Emmnauel in business. They are both very talented, helpful, and forthright.
Kevin Hayes from VAC is a pleasure to deal with. He's never pushy and is always very pleasant. I've had numerous conversations with him and even for a "newbie" like myself, he's never lost patience. I'm currently looking into the Renaissance MKII pre. A lot of $$$ yes, but these days you can pay a lot more and get less.
Has anybody done any listening with the Standard PRE LE and the Renaissance? I'd like to know how much better things can actually get?
I auditioned both the First Sound Presence Deluxe MkII and the next First Sound model up: the P Dlxe 4.0 MKII (two beefier power supplies). Since a couple of folks asked about what the upgrade path is like within the FS line, I will say that I bought the 4.0 version because I felt the added power supply capacity and refinement was worth it. I also felt that getting the 4.0 upfront would make further upgrades cheaper later on because fewer parts would have to be changed out or added.

What does one get for the 4.0 version? More of everything that the baseline model gives you: lower noise floor, greater detail, greater dynamic swing and control, more physical presence, lower bass, more mid-bass clarity. The most obvious difference over all is in the bass. It goes lower with more drive, weight, and control.

On a related track, I hope to line up a side-by-side listening session with a local Supratek Syrah owner. I will update this thread if that happens.
Kalan, Thanks. That is exactly what I wanted to know. Have you ever considered upgrading to the Paramount? Please let us know how the Syrah compares. Brooks
Kalan thank you. I would be interested as to how the Deluxe Mk II compares to the Syrah.

For those First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II owners, have any of you found a "match made in heaven" phono amp to compliment your preamp?

Would be interested in both findings.