ARC LS 16 MK1 vs. ARC LS25 MKll

I am considering an upgrade from my LS16 MK 1 to an LS25 MK 2. I understand the hybrid design is not as tube sounding as the 6922 design, however I am wondering if anyone else has opinions on this upgrade.

Thanks in advance.
Please see my review of the LS16 mk. 2 vs. the LS25 mk. 2 at Even though the LS16 I reviewed is the later model, the review may help with your question.

Happy listening,
Sorry, but I wouldn't own/listen to an LS25 mk2 if it was given to me for free. YMMV
I own an LS25mkII, and it's not as "tubey" sounding as some other tube-based preamps. IMO this is a good thing, as I find many tube designs to be overly warm and syrupy-sounding.

I feel it's a good compromise between the warmth of a "tubey" tube preamp and the detail of a SS preamp.

Oh, and another thing - it seems that any and every ARC thread draws ARC bashers out of the woodwork. Reb, Sutts - nice to see you guys don't disappoint! :-) Apparently the ARC bashers wait anxiously to pounce the moment they see anyone mention ARC.

Whatever floats your boat! ;-)
I had been using an SP-9 MK II for about ten years. A few months back I tried an LS-16 MK II. It was an improvement but not a very big one. Can't really say if it was the preamp or some other variable (room?) that kept me from hearing the massive improvement the dealer said I would hear but I wasn't impressed for $3500. About three weeks ago I spotted a great deal on a LS-25 MK II and went for it only because I knew I couldn't lose (unlike buying a new LS-16 MK II). Well the sound was kind of disappointing in the sense it really didn't sound any better than the LS-16. It does sound good but there may be something to what all these folks keep harping on about the LS-16/25 MK I and the LS-5 series. I was really looking for an LS-25 MK I but I've only seen one in the past six months, I think I understand why now! At this point I'd like to hear one in my system before making a judgement, but that won't happen unless the local Audio Research takes one in on trade. I can't spend that kind of money again for a while. My wife was understanding the first time ....