Best SET amp with Coincident Total Victory?

Can anyone recommend a SET amp to use with Coincident technologies Total Victory Speakers? (I'm hoping to stay at or under $6k).
2nd Duke's recommendation about Brian: real great guy and so is his lovely wife. I visited them during vacation in Florida during Christmas week. Real friendly and the store has a friendly atmosphere. Also has Alon, VonSchweikert, and Coincident, I think he also had Thor tube stuff.
845 tube based amp, it seems to me that the latest Art Audio Carissa amp, which produces just 16 or was it 12 watts, pure class A, instead of the common 40-45 watts, might be a match made in heaven, not to say anything about the price....less than 4K, something of a rarity in all of the AAudio range.
I am using Atma-Sphere MA1 Silver Editions. I also had the M60 and found it had all the punch I needed. I have heard that Mr. Blume used M60's for voicing of the original Coincident high efficiency speakers.

Make sure you try them at least once, you may never go with anything else. I am sure I will never change, and I enjoyed Coincidents own 300b amp.