New power for my Nautilus 805's - Integrated Amps?

First, let me start by saying what a great resource Audiogon is for the those of us newer to the high end world.

Current set-up is paltry compared to most - but you have to start somewhere.

Yamaha DSP-A3090
Adcom GCD-750
MIT Terminator interconnects & speaker cables
B&W Nautilus 805's
Old Velodyne Sub

I purchased the 805's and the GCD-750 a few years back from Progressive Audio in Columbus, OH. While I would have loved stepping into the 803's, the 805's were in my budget and I didn't have the jack to buy decent gear to drive them properly. The DSP-A3090 is sufficient, but I am debating going to a higher end integrated or possibly seperates.

I have read a lot of positive reviews and comments about the Classe CAP-151 being a good match for the 805's. I am also looking at the Bel Canto eVo 2i. Both are in my price range of a max around $2000. I am also debating "finding" some extra money to perhaps stretch for a Levinson 383.

In addition to the amp upgrade I am looking into new power cords and other smaller $$ improvements that should help me enjoy the system more. It hasn't been used as much as I would have hoped the past 3-4 years - that needs to change.

Obviously hearing these would help but being transferred to Birmingham, Alabama hasn't helped me in the Hi-Fi department as few companies show any dealers in state. I guess Atlanta is my best bet? Any good dealers you Audiogon'rs could suggest. Wife and daughter are heading out of town in a week and I can see spending a weekend in the ATL listening to music quite refreshing!

I certainly welcome any comments about my thoughts on integrated v. seperates. The only seperate combo I am debating is a Adcom GFP-750 (great reviews) and a Bel Canto 200.2, Levinson 331 or lord konws what else.

Thanks again for taking the time!
i have a friend that has a pair of 805...he uses a sim audio I-5 intergrated with unbelievable results. I myself am not a fan of b&w but the synergy with the i-5 is simply amazing. The I-5 is rated @ 70 wpc but is a ultra high current intergrated amp and has no problem with the 805 load. The amp impressed me so much i bought one and have never looked back
Classe Cap-151 would be a great match, also heard a Mac integrated with B%W , dont know the model number, sounded real good as well.
The plinius integrated would be a wonderful match,
For the used price SA100 plinius,and adcom gfp 750,
around $2400 budget, this combo will move you to,
onother level.
Thanks for the responses thus far - much appreciated.

@ Warrenh - I have the B&W stands for the speakers and have never heard them on anything but. Added sand to the hollow posts as suggested when I bought them.

Seems I need to look into the Plinius line. Being newer to this, there are almost too many options and brands I haven't heard much of.

I am looking at some of the cheaper power cords I have seen listed. Don't have the names handy - but probably in the $60-$100 range.

@ Gmood1 - Many thanks for all the info!!!

Again - thanks from a new 'goner in training!

// Jeff
Wound up with a Plinius 9200 - now time to break it in and enjoy a big step up in sound. Even fresh out of the box the lower end is much tighter and defined. The additional power (200@8) is well liked by the 805's