$1130 system for a musician, please :

What integrated amplifier and what speakers should I look for?
I won't need more than 60-65W (I mean for how big is my room)
I WILL need imaging, clarity, natural sound and as analytical as posible, BUT NOT fatiguing. I would like to be aerial.

It will be used for auditioning classical: especially piano, drums, vocals and large orchestras.

My priorities: 1. mids to be very well reproduced
and 2. Equally highs and lows (I won't like to be overexposed the lows over highs - as is the current mode)

I would prefer to be new products as long as I am parelel with electronics, but I am open to suggestions for used products too.

Thank you very very much

A timid musician
Thank you very much!!!

I have to specify 2 things:
a) this budget is only for integrated and speakers
b) I need high-definition @ low volume levels (I live in an apartement)
--An NAD 370 integrated amp,used,here on audiogon for under 500.

--Magnepan MMG's new,575 used 400 plus shipping.

--The cheapest circuit city/best buy loss leader disk player with a digital out. When you can afford to add it,add a Scott Nixon dac for 250 dollars.
As a musician you would be thrilled with the sound of the Jean Marie Reynaud Twin Mk IIIs loudspeakers at around $800 new. Maybe a second hand Arcam Alpha 10 (the preamp section is of lesser quality than the power amp section, but you can use a outboard preamp with the Arcam - something for down the track).

Gee, I just described my bedroom system. ;-)

A pair of closeout Soliloquy 5.0's from Underwood HiFi here on Audiogon, http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrmoni&1087265953, and the best used Creek or Rotel integrated you can find for the other $600.

Know you mentioned "integrated amp"... But why?
How about a radically different recommendation?


1) Used Mackie HR824 powered studio monitors (ebay). Pro-audio gear used in MANY professional studios. The CD you are listening to was probably mixed on these, so you would be hearing it just as the artist intended. Also makes a great audiophile home speaker. These speakers have the amplifiers built into them (actually they are bi-amp'ed). They allow RCA (unbalanced) or XLR (balanced) connections. Excellent highs, mids, and bass... no sub required. Easy to tune to your room via switches on the back panel. Do a google search on 'Mackie HR824 review'.

2) Used Cal Audio CL-15 CDP. This excellent CD player has a preamp built into it. Comes in RCA or XLR versions. Excellent internal DAC as a 'digital-in', allowing you to attach another digital device.

This very simple system could fit your budget (used) and would be VERY difficult to beat for the money.

Check it out!