Krell KAV-2250 power, against HALO JC-1

Does anyone knows the entry-level Krell's "baby" KAV-2250? Strange for me, it's difficult to find something on it through the forums around. It seems people mostly play FPB toys... Wes Phillips wrote a very affirmative review about KAV combo 280p/2250 at ON HIFI. Beating mashines like MF Nu-vista 300 doesn't seem breezing, isn't?
Can someone compare the KAV-2250 to the Parasound HALO JC-1? Anyone tested them head-to-head?
Finally, could the pre KAV-280p be replaced with some more affordable, say, swedish pearl Primare PRE30?
I hate to sound snobbish but all the KAV line are not even in the same class as the FBP or other audiophile amps such as the JC-1. Don't get me wrong, if you are interested in home theater the KAV is great stuff (over priced in my opinion) but for a music only stereo system I'd consider other brands. Yes I've heard it....I'd buy Adcom first.
I'm sorry but I cannot agree with Keis. I have and have had several high end amps, I have a KAV2250 and FPB750MCX amps. The KAV2250 is very powerful, clean and neutral, it is a very well engineered and solid amp. Pure class A all the way to the output transistors and a significant class A/AB Bias there too. 2000VA transformer and a huge capacitor bank, good clean layout and substantial wiring, its really honestly all there: adcom? Get real! These latest KAV amps pack a ton of detail, honestly they are very impressive sounding. The JC1 is a great amp but a Pass or FPB will show it up, but I dont think the JC1 does anything wrong at all. I can say the KAV2250 sounds much better than my Bryston 4B SST, Far better in every way! Better than the ML too, just look at the engineering and layout, the parts quality, the Class A biasing, Fully Balanced drivers.

I have my KAV 2250 hooked up to the little system with B&W 801N speakers that are not easy to drive and control, the KAV 2250 is exceptionally good with this tough speaker. I don't know, I guess if you are using something like Proac Tablettes it would be hard to tell the difference? Maybe?

No Long Paragraphs here from me. Straight to it -- Rob says it all.
Nice Wording!
Well, a long time ago...

In December 2008 I became a proud owner of a pair of Krell Evo-400 monoblocks (will be upgraded to new Evo-400e very soon). Never had opportunity to see or listen to the now discontinued KAV-2250.

I know a guy from neighboring town who own a pair of Halo JC-1. We have swaped blocks a few times, and I can say much cheaper JC-1 is not slouch at all and performs pretty well in A/B vs superiorly classed Krell Evos... Overall Krell Evo-400 emerged a bit better (definition, musicality, but JC-1 proved more sparkling), but for money JC-1 is still value hard to beat.
a good friend has had a KAV-2250 in his system for many years. pairs them with Krell resolution II speakers and it sounds great. good control, detail and everything else that matters. doubt i'd ever think of comparing it to adcom anything as it's clearly steps above.

i have no experience with the JC-1's so i can't comment.

can't see why you couldn't match the 2250 with another pre. it might take some trial and error but i think a good none krell match could be found.