Amp for my Salons

I recently got a pair of Revel Salons and I love these speakers. The problem is that I am not doing it justice with the current amp I am using. I spent most of my money on the speakers so I need an afordable amp that will work well with the Salons. I was thinking of getting a pair of Bryston 7BST since they are cheap used and they have plenty of power to drive them. Have anyone use this combo yet and how does it sound? What other choices do I have on a budget? I really would like to get a pair of monoblocks instead of a stereo amp. Thanks for the help.

Preamp: ARC LS2
Pbb, he is, of course correct. It amazes me that people still have foolish opinions like yours. Maybe it's just a hearing problem! BTW do you have anything to add to the conversation , or are you just sniping?
Thanks for all the help guys. I would like to take a listen to the 436 again, but they are way out of my budget right now.

After reading your comment, something dawn on me. I think it may not be the 436 that sounded ok, but is the recording. One thing I notice about the Salons is that like you said they will tell you everything, good or bad. What I notice on my current system now is that sometime it will sounds great and other time sounds bad. So thank you for helping me realize this. Btw are you using all ML gear? What preamp are you using?
Do yourself a favour and arrange for a home auditioning period of the Brystons and of another more expensive amp. Then let your ears decide. If folks stopped thinking of audio equipment less as trophies and more as machines that have a job to perform more time would be created to actually listen to music. Anarchy you are as precious as ever.
Yes the Salons are deadly accurate. If the recording is musical the Salons are musical, if the recording is cold and sterile so too are the Salons. They are true chameleons is this respect, and for that matter this is or was the philosophy at Mark Levinson as I think (hope) would be the philosophy at many high end companies and I wouldn't have it any other way. After a while as pleasing as some equipment's colorations are, to me it gets fatiguing.
As for my equipment, click on System below my response and you can view it and the lengths I've gone to for my Salons.
And yes I do use all Levinson including the #32 preamp.
Good hunting,