Cayin T30

I just received my T30 and it sounds good right out of the box. My question is that the amp is giving out a funny odor
when it's turned on. Not like a burnt smell. I've had it for a week now and it's still there. Any answers?
How many inputs does the Cayin have? I need at least 5 (CD, SACD, tuner, phono preamp, tape).
Cayin has 4 inputs, one of which would be lost if the amp is modded with the pre-out.
Thanks, Pordoi... I guess I'll either have to look for something else, or give up one of my sources! Reluctant to do the latter.

The Cayin TA30 is a very nice amp at its price point. If you are considering a move from SS to tubes, it is certainly worth a listen. Who knows, you might just fall in love with the sound and decide that 5 sources is one too many. All I can say is that after a week of listening to the TA30, my wife told me to sell the SS amp. I had made my mind up even sooner, but hey, who's to argue when the boss says sell.

Best Regards

Yes, I'm considering going from my SS Plinius to tubes. I think my speakers would mate well with tubes. The Cayin fellow is in the same town as me, so it would be easy to head over there and pick one up.

What ss amp did you get rid of?