Tenor amp / Coincident Total Victory combo

I will be receiving my Coincident Total Victory speakers in the near future. These are Mr. Blume's latest version with slightly upgraded parts in the crossover (he apparently already uses the best available) and a messaging of the tuned port to help lower a slight midbass bump. I am excited.

I am presently using his Coincident 300b mono's with Sophia 300b tubes. The amp sounds amazing.

Previous to the Total Victories I was using his regular Victory, now sold. The synergy between his amp and speaker was marvelous. The only thing lacking was the lower end. Luckily I had an Rel Strata lll sub. The TV's will not need a sub. Everything else was second to none IMO.

My next upgrade will likely be to an OTL. I have heard the Atma-Sphere's on a few occasions, and have always felt they where the best for my listening tastes.

I than heard the Tenor 75wi, and now the 150hp. Both these amps sounded as good (if not better) than the Atma's. I was wondering if anyone has paired any of these amps to any of the Coincident speakers.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

EMM combo for digital source, JA Michell/RS Labs/ ZYX 1000/ Groove for analog source.


That's what I was looking for. Someone else who has done the legwork. I do not want to say I am lazy, but this is why I love Audiogon. We can all share our experiences with one another.

I will await your follow up statements.

I too would like to look at other option. 845 tubes, 45's etc.. Thank you.
I'm currently using an Atmasphere S30 with the TV's and its a wonderful combo. The S30 predates the TV's but I did get a chance to compare it to some of the cary set's on my previous speakers, Alon lotus. The S30 was much more transparent and faster and to my ears has a glorious neutral midrange that's as warm or cold as the source that's feeding it.

The S30 has plenty of power for the TV's but if I suspect the M60's would provide a bit more base slam and dynamic headroon and if I was starting with a blank slate that's the direction I would go. Regarding the Tenor,s IMHO, the M60's are their sonic equal and are much less expensive. If you wanted to spend Tenor-like money than the MA1's or even the Lamm M2 would be within you reach.
I just purchased a quad of the new run of KR Audio 300b BXLS's.

This is a stunning tube upon first listen. As much bass as my ProAc Response 2 has ever put out, and highs that I didn't know I could hear. I have only listened to an Annie Lennox CD so this is a very preliminary observation. The Atma-Sphere M60's I heard a while ago with this speaker is still a bit better. Something about being more open and alive. I think this goes back to my observation that I am an OTL kind of guy. Having said that I am still hoping the Total Victory's mate well with the 300b's. This will allow me to keep my SET. I am going to try and keep an open mind.
Here's another suggestion. Israel has the new Canary CA-339, and says it's one of the best amps he's heard on the Total Victories. Canary apparently agrees, because they've ordered 4 sets of TVs from him, and have told me this amp/speaker combo is a "perfect match". They're pricey ($13K), and they're push-pull, but they are 300B amps. You may never need their 50 wpc power, but according to Israel the dynamics re superb.

BTW - I agree with your assessment of the KR 300BXLS. My Wavelengths came with new WE's, and I prefer the KR tubes. Any 300B amp I get will eventually wind up tubed with KRs.