audio research sp-10

hi..i'm fairly new to tubes. i have an AR sp-10 pre, AR d-125 amp, vandersteen 2ci speakers, and a shanling t-100 cd player. running the cd player on the tube output of the shanling. my music tastes run the gamut from synthpop/ sarah mclachlin, and josh groban. the system seems just a tad bright to me, which it seems it shouldn't with all the tubes i'm using. i've put the sp-10 on "high gain" which seems to it "bad" to use the high gain on a regular basis? speakers are biwired..but with no name wires..any suggestions for compatable speaker wires and or interconnects (using legend interconnects right now) or any other suggestions would be appreciated. thanks in advance :)
What are you using for tubes in the line stage of the SP10? FWIW high gain is "normal" and reducing the gain by 12db with the switch on front only reduces the input (source) by 12db, not the output from the line stage. This pre amp should not sound bright if your other components are properly matched and set up. Is your amp contributing, i.e. what kind of tubes, small and large? You might be able to change the tone there as well. How are your speakers set up - are they optomized, especially the deadening of the 1st reflection points? Is this set up only too bright with the Shandling? How about tuner and TT? or other CDP?. Perhaps that's your issue. Have you listened to it in other neutral systems. Just some food for thought...........

I owned the SP-10 for 8 years (1987-1995) and for phono playback, even with the rolled off frequency extremes, a noise floor a bit too high, and mediocre resolution, it was a most incredibly musical component. It took me many years to find something (LS5II/PH2) which had all its strenghths .... and so many of its weaknesses dramatically reduced.

Once I heard the LS5 line stage did I finally realize how poor was the SP-10's line stage. For the first time did I learn that CD playback can be enjoyable.

If you are truly focusing on CD playback, I simply can not recommend the SP-10. But it could very well be a great phono stage that drives (through its tape outputs) a modern line stage.

Concerning the use of the high gain switch position, listen with both and choose the one that works best for you. Newbee is correct that the 12db is an attenuator setting so this surely will cause some loss in the world of "transparency". But there is no "wrong" in using either setting as one position may allow for more fine level adjustment or perhaps the other will allow you to have the volume control around 12 o'clock which is often reported by members here to be preferred for less coloration caused by the volume pot.

Look for the ultra-low noise tubes for the phono section. I used RAM tubes for this and they worked so well. Perhaps RAM Labs still sources such 6DJ8/6922 tubes. Every 6 months or so, as the phono stage became sensitive to noise, I bought another pair or quad, put the new ones in the phono stage and moved the old phono stage tubes to the line stage.

The SP-10 is anything but bright so you can surely eliminate it as a possibility for this trait. If you're system is a wee bit bright, I have found Cardas Golden Cross cables to tone this down and bring on a little more warmth as well.

Jafox, FWIW I got so frustrated trying to use RAM sourced tubes in my SP10 I dammed near sold it - noisy, short lived, and not all that transparent. Then they tore down the Berlin wall and we were able to get eastern European tubes at last. I don't think the line stage is all that bad (then or now) if you put some LN, sturdy 6922's in it. I use NOS 6h23s or NOS Sovteks which to some may be coolish, but the gain in clarity is well worth the effort. I pick up a bit of compensating warmth with the drivers in my amps. By the way, I agree that this pre amp is wasted when used only as a line stage. :-)