Levinson 383 vs. Rowland Concentra

I recently purchased my first set of "high-end" audio equipment. A pair Merlin Systems VSM floorstanders. I had become obsessed with the Dynaudio Contour series because of the ubiquitous acclaim they seem to have spawned. I got a great deal for the Merlins and it seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I scooped them up. They are sitting patiently in my basement as I decide on which integrated solid-state amp to purchase.

I intend to listen to a wide variety of recordings, usually at civilised volume levels and I am hoping that one of you fellow audiogoners, based on your experience with either the Mark Levinson 383 or the Jeff Rowland Concentra I or II, can recommend a match for the speakers mentioned above.

I also hope to scoop up a digital source sometime next year, probably a Linn.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

BTW. Listening Room is not Large, but not tiny either.
I have a friend who owned both. The 383 didn't stay long.
The Concentra II is also way above the I.
I've had both the 383 and the Concentra. Both have their strengths; Rowland is warmer sounding but Levinson might be a bit more accurate. Really depends a lot on your own musical tastes. I would think the Levinson would mate up a little better with the Merlins which are a bit laid back and a little lean.
FWIW, I preferred the YBA Passion Integre over both. Beat the 383 with ease. The Concentra II is a killer integrated. I liked the sweetness of the Passion. BTW, Absolute Sound reviewed the Passion Integre, this month. It's a dead on review from my experience, so I'll hold the ubiquitous adjectives. You can read for yourself. Significantly less $$ that the Concentra, as well. Hey, you got a high class problem, here, choosing one of these integrateds. peace, warren