Those damn Brits

For a few years I've been using a pair of PS Audio 250 Delta monoblocks (250w each) with a pair of Mirage M3si. Always sounded great! Great bass, smooth mids, decent high end, focused, powerful.... All this time, a pair of Meridian 105 monoblocks (100w each) have been sitting in their boxes. I took them out recently to make sure they worked as I am planning to use them in the surround system. Wouldn't you know it... sweeter, more liquid vocals, more overall warmth, damn good bass.... all this from a pair of 26 year old amps... what's a guy to do? I don't know if these amps have the necessary current for day-to-day ops on the M3si....
Great post some would say brit equipment sucks. Personally MF and B&W rock together.
British equipment is incredible. I also have a Meridian 201 preamp, 602 transport and 606 D/A converter. They are not only great sounding, but also beautiful designs. Oh yeah... also a pair of Cyrus 781 speakers. And a Rega Planar turntable. If I had the $$$$ to buy a 598 DVD player, I would not hesitate.
Solution for my dilemma! I'm bi-amping; PS Audio for the lows, Meridian for the mid & high. Now, I need a good active crossover....