Anyone visit the VAC display at the Home Th. Show

I am looking for a review of the sound of the VAC equipment at the recent Home Theater Show in New York. I have heard the VAC Phi Stereo amp and wonder how the Phi Preamp sounded. Thanks to all you lucky attendees.
I was totally impressed. To me it was the best sound maybe second only to few times more expensive BAT arrays with Utopia Be for 200k.
Wow! Two polar extremes on the reviews! I need to hear from more to make a value judgement. Thanks for your opinions.
I think Bob is talking about the VTL setup, not the VAC setup.

I loved the VAC/VS setup too...
Maniac- I thought the best sound at the show was VAC electronics driving a pair of Albert's VR-4Jrs. Didn't notice the model number of the VAC, as I was more interested in the speakers. Great sound though.


PS- The McIntosh / Martin Logan's were my second choice, followed by the BAT / JM Utopia's.