Help me choose a new preamp please?

Well here I go again. After three years of relative happiness with my system I couldn't let well enough alone. I had to sell my great sounding and reliable Air Tight ATC-1 preamp just because I had it too long and was getting bored. A terrible excuse I know. Anyway, I'm now a man without a plan, looking for a preamp, used, under $2K. Tubes are preferable but not essential, a balanced input would be nice (again not a dealbreaker), I don't need remote, an integral phono stage would be a bonus, and I guess that's it. I value a moderate amount of warmth but I also crave transparency. My system as it stands now is I think fairly warm, a Cary 303/200, Cary 300B Sig monos, and Alon Lotus speakers. A few thoughts, a Cary 98P would give me system synergy, BATs and CATs are also appealing, and I'm open to all other suggestions, fire away. And as always, thanks for taking an interest.
I have an Audioprism Mantissa, this is a very good tube pre-amp. There is an upgraded one for sale here on Audiogon.

Note: I don't know the seller

You're saying a SFL-2 over a Line 2? And if so why?
I looked at that preamp it looks great. I've emailed the seller, I hope he responds. He has no feedback so we'll see.
Anyway these are great suggestions, please keep 'em coming.