Pass Aleph P Feeding two amplifiers?

Can Pass Aleph P preamplifier be connected simultaneously to two power amplifiers, using the balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) pre-out connections?

The manual is not clear, but I got the impression these two connections were alternative.
To be absolutely sure, you should contact the manufacturer.

I had a similar question when I wanted to do the exact same thing with a BAT VK3i so I contacted Viktor Khomenko. He confirmed that I could, but in that configuration the preamp would see the sum of the two amp's input impedances.

I don't know if this would be the same in your case, so check with Pass Labs.

Good luck!
The sum of impedances? That would mean they were connected in series.
Wouldn't it be the 1/(1/ImpA+1/ImpB).

If it is the sum, then the final impedance rises and that should be no problem. However, if they are connected in paralel, then the final impedance will be lower than the impedance of each amplifier.

I've asked Pass, but got no answer.

I'm no tech, so I can't give you a thorough explanation.

But from my understanding of what's at work here, I'd assume you're right that if say one amp had an input impedance of 27Kohms and the second were 47Kohms the resulting 74Kohm seen by the preamp would work out well in most situations. Especially considering that some solid state amps have input impedances of 100Kohms. At least this is the case with the BAT VK3is that have both RCA and XLR outputs.

Hopefully, Pass Labs will get back to you soon.