Amplifier reviews from Hardesty's

The current issue of Richard Hardesty's quarterly publication, "Audio Perfectionist Journal", is devoted to reviews of some of the best high-end audio amps available. The following amps that fell generally in the top ranking are: ARC V100 Mk3; Ayre V-5x; Parasound Halo JC1 monoblocks; Nagra VPA; Theta Citadel monoblocks; Theta Dreadnaught II; and VTL 450 monoblocks.

The second group of amps that fell in the very good but not outstanding category were: Anthem PVA7 (MSRP: $1500); Arcam P7; BAT VK-6200; Linn Klimax Solo 500; and Classe CAV-500.

Also mentioned were the following amps that were NOT recommended: B&K 7250; Integra Research RDA-7; and Linn AV5125.

The amps were tested and evaluated by Hardesty and Shane Buettner, who also reviews gear for TAS. The two amps which garnered the highest praise were the Ayre V-5X (a 150 wpc stereo model that sells for $4500), and the Theta Citadel monoblocks (rated at 400 watts, and priced at $15,000 for the pair).

Some sample comments (which I've summarized to save space):
1. The V-5x: "Simply an awesome amplifier, although a bit light in the bass compared to the other amps. Plush, dead quiet background, outstanding image focus and dimensionality, and a highly resolved mid-range. One of the best amplifiers I've ever heard with regard to focusing musicians in space convincingly. The V-5x has a pure and liquid sound that's less "hi-fi" than is typical of solid state. The Theta Citadels, at nearly $16,000, are the only solid-state amps I've heard that match, and slightly exceed, the V-5x's combination of liquid musicality and resolving power. At its price point, the V-5X is a revelation. The V-5x is one of the best power amps available at any price. I've never heard anything with more midrange resolution or better image focus. It's quiet and refined, and exceptionally clean, pure and musical. You have to spend a lot more to get only slightly better performance."
2. Theta Citadel monoblocks: "A no-holds-barred monoblock. The Citadels, by comparison to the Dreadnaught, have better bass, improved midrange resolution, and an airier, more extended top end. They have layers of front to back depth, resolution, and utterly convincing image focus and dimensionality. The sound is also as pure and musical as I've heard from a solid state amp, with the natural, liquid, non-fatiguing sound of tube gear. As excellent as the other amps in this survey are, the Citadels are a cut above them all." Richard Hardesty adds his own footnote to the review, saying: "The Citadels are the best amplifiers I've heard. The provided deal silent backgrounds like the Ayre, holographic imaging that used to be strictly the province of tubes, and bass control and impact that you could never get from tubes..."

The Parasound Halo JC 1's and the Theta Dreadnaught also drew very positive comments, finishing very close to the the Ayre and the Citadels.

I invite our members to add their own reactions and comments to those of Hardesty and Buettner.
i believe that richard hardesty and the apj, truly care about enthusiasts. he always answers my e-mails very,very quickly and honestly. while some may not agree with his views, i appreciate his desire to provide us with information that is free from ulterior motivation. whether or not you subscribe to his vision of high-end audio, you must give him credit for giving us the opportunity to learn about our hobby from a different base. i think of him as the finacial advisor who tells you to buy mutual funds vs. the stock broker trying to rake in commissions.

bigtee: i would be very interested in your comparison of the belles/ayre. please post your impressions. they are always appreciated.

aloha keith
Sdcampbell, do you know if they also reviewed the Theta Enterprise monoblocks? I know that it came out after the Citadel, and is slotted between the Citadels and the Dreadnaught II. I own a pair, and many of the characteristics which Hardesty applies to the Citadel seem to ring true to my experience with the Enterprises. I also own a Theta Intrepid, which I use for HT, and it is quite impressive in its own regard.
Atagi, I ordered the Ayre today. I had to search around for a dealer since there's not one in this state. Anyway, it is being drop shipped and should be here within a week. Once I get it run in, I certainly post a thread on my impressions of it. Hopefully, one day i'll find that perfect synergy or maybe I'm already close.
One other amp that I heard was a good match is the ARC VS55. It's only 50/ch but according to some reports, it drives the 3A sigs easily in a moderately sized room. It was reported that the "Big man" himself likes these.
tombowlus, audio perfectionist didn't review the enterprise.

bigtee, cool. the dealer i bought my 3a's from has the ayre v-5x, and i'll probably also demo the arc vs-110. not exactly sure when i'll do this because it's a 3 hour round trip. fyi, i sometimes use a jolida 302b 50 watt tube integrated with the vandies in my 14x18 room. no problem.
also ayre has excellent customer service.

sdcampbell, sorry to hijack your thread.

aloha keith
keith, i'm going to listen to the arc-vs110 during the 2cd week in july and the vs55. Should be interesting. i had a dealer tell me that the vs55 was a match made in heaven. he gives private auditions and you can listen till your hearts content. he also said converting them to a balanced input makes them even more special. i went sorta against his advice in getting the ayre but i'm a ss kind of guy but i'll kep an open mind. i just hate the thought of retubing amps periodically. kind of expensive.